Continuing the “Our Favorite Blogs” series, this latest installment takes a look at valuable insights about manufacturing. It is a vast topic, covering everything from product development to reshoring and growth trends. We enjoy following and reading these blogs and hope you will too.


Manufacturing Innovation Blog

This blog comes from the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP). MEPs across the country help manufacturers grow their businesses through development of products, building partnerships, and reaching new customers all with the goal of increasing profit for manufacturing output. Bloggers discuss key issues affecting U.S. manufacturers such as workforce and reshoring. is an on-line news site with the latest information, opinions, and trends around the world related to manufacturing. The site has great articles and videos related to manufacturing, covering everything from development production to public policy.


California Manufacturing Technology Consulting (CMTC) Blog

One of the 60 MEP centers, CMTC’s blog tagline is “We succeed because you do.” The tagline perfectly describes CMTC’s mission to help small to medium-sized manufacturers grow their business in Southern California. The blog caters to this audience, and their website has a cool infographic on California’s manufacturing industry.


Thomas Net Blog

ThomasNet is an information and technology resource company focused on the manufacturing industry. ThomasNet’s articles on manufacturing have a broad scope from workforce development issues to optimizing business marketing.

Interested in other topics we’ve covered in this series? We’ve compiled blog lists under several categories, including Clean Tech, Silicon Valley, Retail & Real Estate, and Life Sciences.