Fremont Businesses Have Another Ally on Their Side — Introducing Mike Wayne
Businesses are an integral part of the Fremont fabric; we value the diversity, quality of life, and economic vitality that small and large businesses bring to our city. As Fremont grows and attracts new businesses, we continue to look for ways to help our business owners and entrepreneurs succeed.
Our team recognizes that starting or expanding a business can be exciting, yet overwhelming. There are several steps involved in the process — from obtaining the correct permits to enlisting the proper services to getting the business up and running. We understand these challenges and work with Fremont businesses every day to help them navigate all that’s involved.
To enhance these efforts, the City established its Business Ally Program, a coordinated approach between the Economic Development and Community Development Departments to help new businesses meet all of their needs. Fremont’s economy grows, and new businesses get a head start. It’s a win-win.
Heading up this program in our Permit Center is Mike Wayne. Mike serves as the City’s Permit Center Manager/Business Ally and has many years of experience working in planning and building departments across the Bay Area. In his role as Business Ally, Mike provides one-on-one assistance to business owners opening or expanding a business in Fremont. He facilitates project reviews and pre-application meetings, assists with the permitting process, employs outside resources, and coordinates with staff from other City departments and outside agencies.

“Fremont values its businesses, and I am happy to be that one point of contact for them on the regulatory side,” says Mike. “When starting a business, I know how important it is to have peace of mind that all requirements are being met.”
When asked about his vision for the program moving forward, Mike said, “We are starting to streamline the information we provide businesses and offer online tools that make the permitting process easier. We want to take advantage of the available resources and technologies and promote them to the business community.”
Just like you, Fremont is open for business. To connect with Mike Wayne and find out more about the Business Ally Program, visit